Tag: videos

RVA5sec Videos: Inga Goddijn/Becky Swanson and Troy Wojewoda

Inga Goddijn & Becky Swanson
Show Me The Money! Uncovering The True Cost of a Breach (Slides)

Troy Wojewoda
Bro’s Before Flows (Slides)

RVA5ec Videos: Mark Weatherford & Evan Johnson

Mark Weatherford
(Your) Inevitable Path to the Cloud (Slides)

Evan Johnson
Staying Above A Rising Security Waterline (Slides)

RVA5ec Videos: Senator Mark Warner – Welcome To RVAsec!

Senator Mark Warner
Welcome To RVAsec!

RVA5ec Videos: Karen R. Jackson, Virginia Secretary of Technology Keynote

Karen R. Jackson, Virginia Secretary of Technology

RVA5ec Videos: Trey Ford – Keynote

Trey Ford
Keynote (Slides)

RVA5ec Videos: Wendy Nather Keynote

Wendy Nather
Keynote (Slides)

RV4sec Videos: Speed Debates hosted by Chris Eng

Speed Debates hosted by Chris Eng (@chriseng)

Featuring: Pete Herzog (@peteherzog), Robert Stratton (@strat), Boris Sverdlik (@jadedsecurity), Mark Painter (@secpainter), Tim Wilson (@darkreadingtim) and Casey Ellis (@caseyjohnellis)


RV4sec Videos: Kizz Myanthia

Kizz Myanthia: Into The Worm Hole: Metasploit For Web PenTesting

RV4sec Videos: Allen Householder & Elissa “#LADYBOSS” Shevinsky

Allen Householder: Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure is a concurrent process

Elissa “#LADYBOSS” Shevinsky: The Changing Legal Landscape for InfoSec: What You Need to Know

RV4sec Videos: Caleb “chill” Crable & Adam Crosby

Caleb “chill” Crable: The Art of Post-Infection Response and Mitigation

Adam Crosby: Embracing the Cloud